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Chicago 17th edition notes and bibliography

Footnotes and Bibliography for the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition

Citing author names

Authors’ names are normally given as they appear within the source itself. If correct identification is needed, first names may be given. If an author uses their given name in one cited work and initials in another (e.g., “Mary L. Jones” versus “M. L. Jones”), the same form, preferably the fuller one, should be used in references to that author for both works.

Two or three authors (or editors) of the same work are listed in the order in which they appear with the source. In a bibliography, only the first author’s name is inverted, and a comma must appear both before and after the first author’s given name or initials. Use "and", not an ampersand.

Organisation, corporate or groups are listed as authors if no personal author's name is listed on the title page.  The organization is listed as author in a bibliography (13.86)

In Endnote, when entering the name of a corporate author, that is, an entity such as a government body or a company, you must place a comma at the end of the name.  Commas in the names themselves must be duplicated in Endnote. 

Citing titles

Italics are used for the titles of books, journals. newspapers and blogs, movies and video games, and paintings.

Quotation marks are generally reserved for the titles of subsections of larger works including chapter and article titles and the titles of poems in a collection.

For English-language works, titles are capitalized headline-style in source citations. In headline style, the first and last words of title and subtitle and all other major words are capitalized.

A colon is used to separate the main title from the subtitle even if no colon appears in the source itself.


Where a full day/month/year date for access dates for websites, dates for conferences etc is required, for students in the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry the School recommends using the Australian format i.e. 6 February 2018. Chicago 17th ed recommends using in U.S. format.

For any edition of a work other than the first, both the edition and the date of that edition must be included in a listing.

For commentary on DVDs, cite the date of the commentary rather than the original film date if these are different. 

When the publication date of a printed work cannot be ascertained, the abbreviation n.d. takes the place of the year in the publication details.