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Chicago 17th edition author-date

Author-date for the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition

Subsequent citations

When the same page (or page range) in the same source is cited more than once in one paragraph, the parenthetical citation can be placed after the last reference or at the end of the paragraph (but preceding the final period). When referring to different pages in the same source, however, include a full parenthetical citation at the first reference; subsequent citations need only include page numbers.

When Jasper compliments his mother’s choice of car “his cheeks blotch indignantly, painted by jealousy and rage” (Chaston 2000, 47). On the other hand, his mother’s mask never changes, her “even-tanned good looks” (56), “burnished visage” (101), and “air-brushed confidence” (211) providing the foil to the drama in her midst.

Two or more sources

To refer to two or more sources in the same text citation, separate the sources with semicolons.

(Butcher and Elson 2017; Blanshard 2006)

The order in which they are given may depend on what is being cited, and in what order, or it may reflect the relative importance of the items cited. If neither criterion applies, alphabetical or chronological order may be appropriate.

Additional works by the same author(s) are cited by date only, separated by commas except where page numbers are required.

(Butcher and Elson 2017, 21; 2019, 475).

Additional references prefaced by “see also”.