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Text mining & text analysis

This guide contains resources for researchers about text mining and text analysis (sometimes known as distant reading).

Library databases as a source of text data

  • An increasing number of publishers are allowing data and text mining of their licensed resources by members of subscribing institutions and of available open-access material. Generally this access is governed by existing usage terms and conditions and existing copyright provisions.
  • Some publishers will require you to use tools they provide to mine their content, or will conduct the process for you. In this way, they can manage the quantity of data being accessed and the impact on their servers.
  • Downloading large amounts of data can trigger automatic lockouts and prevent access to resources by other users. In some instances the publisher may apply a fee for the additional usage that sits outside of our existing agreement.
  • Please consult with the Librarian team when utilising UQ-subscribed databases as a source of data.

Checking Library database license information for text mining provisions

Individual database records within UQ Library Search contain links to license information.

License information button on database record in UQ Library search Clicking the Show License button will show license details. If text and data mining is allowed from this database the information will be provided here.

Database license information from a database record in UQ Library search, with text and data mining information highlighted.

Library databases with built-in text analysis tools