This book explores Korean literature from a broadly global perspective from the mid-9th century to the present, with special emphasis on how it has been influenced by, as well as how it has influenced, literatures of other nations.
This is the first book in English to offer an extensive introduction to the Tongmuns' (Selections of Refined Literature of Korea)--the largest and most important Korean literary collection created prior to the twentieth century--as well as translations of essays from key chapters.
The sixth book in Kegan Paul International's "Korean Culture Series," this volume contains thirty stories that have been selected on the basis of historical interest and literary worth, each representing a monumental moment in the history of Korean Literature. This anthology is an invitation to readers to grasp how much Korea has attained in the process of its modernisation.
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Provides access to articles from multidisciplinary journals covered in KCI. KCI is managed by the National Research Foundation of Korea and contains bibliographic information for scholarly literature published in Korea.
Indexes materials on modern language, literature, linguistics, and folklore. Provides access to journals and series published worldwide, monographs, working papers and proceedings, and bibliographies.