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Find video and audio, including feature films, documentaries, instructional videos, TV shows, music and theatre.

Finding TV shows and recordings

You can search Library Search to find TV shows and series, and TV recordings that have been added to the collection.

Try searching by title, director/producer/writer or cast.

Browse for TV shows

Use the following method (this is not a comprehensive search):

  1. Go to the Advanced search of Library Search.
  2. In the search box type television OR series OR broadcast
  3. From Content type select Videos
  4. Click on Search

For online TV shows only

  1. Perform the above search
  2. Select Available online under Show only from the Filter options
  3. Click Apply Filters

Photo by KoolShooters

Examples of TV shows or series

Recordings of Australian TV

You can find recordings of Australian TV in Library Search and also in these databases:

Check how to link or embed the TV recordings in your Learn.UQ (Blackboard) course: