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Resources for graduates and alumni

This guide is for University of Queensland graduates, alumni and future students. It outlines how you might access books, journal articles and other resources after completing a course of study to re-skill, upskill or continue learning.

Finding journal articles

Searching subject specific databases is often useful for a more targeted search. Not every resource available in Library Search is available to students who have graduated or discontinued their studies, or may not be currently registered students.

 Go to the subject page in the side menu to see recommended resources.

Free online databases

  • PubMed  - The National Library of Medicine's free database of medical and health related publications. Not every citation leads to a full text paper

Finding books

Alert services

Many databases permit you to set up alert services where a topic or keyword which you save will be regularly searched. If any new articles match your topic, you will be emailed with these citations.

Academic writing