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Higher Education

How to find information and resources to support the teaching and learning, and research in the field of higher education.

Journals in Higher Education

There are literally thousands of journals that publish in this area. Journals relevant to the field of Higher Education may:

  • be specifically focused on higher education;
  • have a wider education scope with an interest in higher education;
  • be discipline-specific; or
  • be internationally-focused, or more targeted to a national or even local audience. 

Therefore, it is important to consider a range of strategies to identify and evaluate those journals that may be relevant to your work in these fields. 

In choosing a journal to publish in, there are a number of factors to Think about as part of a scholarly publishing strategy.

Publishing considerations

The links below direct you to resources to help you to make strategic decisions about your publishing plans.

Find journals using Library Search

Use Library Search to identify journals of relevance to your research area and your publishing strategy in the field of Higher Education by using keywords or titles, and then consider the journals listed in the the filters on the side. Some keywords may be:

  • "higher education"
  • "scholarship of teaching and learning" OR SoTL
  • "scholarly teaching"
  • "education research"
  • "teaching and learning"

To locate such journals within a discipline area, add the discipline as a keyword. For example, "teaching and learning" management

Advanced searching

Try an advanced search using the 'Content type' of Journals and the 'Title' of "higher education", then refine by Subject.

Or search subject terms such as: 

A similar strategy can be used within databases.

Journal listings

Some journal listings are available to guide your decision-making. These may be multidisciplinary or discipline specific.


  • The Teaching Journals Directory from the Kennesaw State University's Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning provides a list of journals relevant to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). You can filter a search by discipline or higher education topic. 
  • The Google Scholar Top publications in Higher Education lists the top 20 journals in this category based on each journal's h5-index.

Business, Economics, Tourism

  • The ABDC Journal Quality List is targeted at the business discipline in Australia. You must register your email before you can view the list.

Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences

  • Web of Science Master Journal List - Search for journals that are indexed within the Web of Science platform. Search the Web of Science Core Collection, or filter to search key indices such as the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) or Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

Links to key journals by discipline

Identify key journals in a discipline area by browsing the Library subject guides.

Selected disciplines are listed below.

Other tips

Other tips to stay up-to-date on current trends in Higher Education and include:

  • Set up alerts for particular journals or subscribe to publisher alerts
  • Sign up for newsletters and mailing lists of:
  • Read publications of government departments, working parties, or granting bodies
  • Attend conferences relevant to your area of study or research