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Higher Education

How to find information and resources to support the teaching and learning, and research in the field of higher education.

Finding higher education books

Use Library Search to find books in the Library's collection, both in hard copy and online.

  • Build key terms such as "higher education" or "scholarship of teaching and learning" (as phrases) into your search alongside other relevant keywords.
  • Alternatively, run your search, then refine your results by subject terms such as 'higher education' or 'teaching and learning'.

  Access physical books by visiting the appropriate Library location and using the call number to find an item on the shelves

  Access eBooks by logging in with your UQ username and password. For further guidance see Using eBooks.

Finding higher education reference books

Consult reference material to get a broad overview of your topic and to identify key concepts, theories and researchers in the field. Such material may include subject or discipline specific dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, introductions or guides.

Find reference material in Library Search by combining a topic keyword with one of the material type descriptors, for example: 'higher education handbook'. These are a few examples.

Featured eBooks

Tips on using eBooks

 The Library provides access to a range of eBooks.