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Architecture and design

The key physical resources will be available in the Architecture and Music Library (Armus) located in the Zelman Cowen building.

Image databases available from the Library

Using images for assignments

Architectural image resources on the web

There are freely available image resources.

Interviews and videos

Finding architectural images in journals

Some databases allow you to limit (refine) your search so that you only find articles containing certain types of images/drawings.


Avery: Select Advanced Search - Document Features - limit by selecting one or more of the options (illustrations, photos)

ARCH: Select Advanced Search - change in Any field (Show all other fields) to NT - Notes and type in one of: photo*, plan*, secn*, map*, graphic*, plan*, axonview*, elevn*, sketch*, model*, port*, siteplan*, drawing*

Visual literacy

A very useful site from Duke University on visual literacy.  Includes sections on reading images, research & writing and links to relevant Libguides.