GOA-ON is a collaborative international approach to document the status and progress of ocean acidification in open-ocean, coastal, and estuarine environments, to understand ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and provide spatially and temporally resolved biogeochemical data. Headed by the UK National Environment Research Council and NOAA.
The partnership was established in 2017 with the ambitious goal of identifying a global portfolio of coral reefs with a good chance of both surviving the impacts of climate change and being able to help repopulate neighboring reefs
A global network of volunteer teams that regularly monitors and reports on reef health and takes local community action to protect remaining pristine reefs and rehabilitate damaged reefs worldwide.
Temperate Reef Base is a resource for temperate reef researchers worldwide to use and contribute data. The TemperateReefBase Data Portal is an online discovery interface showcasing temperate reef data collected from around the globe.
Uses remote sensing and in situ tools for near-real-time and long term monitoring, modeling and reporting of physical environmental conditions of world coral reef ecosystems, include coral bleaching risks.