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Finding data for your research may involve looking at a number of different sources. Some major sources of published research data include :
Once you have found your data, you will need to be mindful of managing that data appropriately and providing attribution. Check Manage research data for more information.
Datasets held in the UQ eSpace Research Data Collection are discoverable via Library Search.
The entire collection can be located via an advanced search. Preselect the UQ eSpace collection filter and search for the exact phrase 'research data collections'.
Or search by keyword and select Datasets from the content type field:
Once you’ve chosen a data set that you believe will work, take care to carefully evaluate it before you start using it.
Always read the supporting documentation or codebooks to ensure that the analysis you are planning to do really measures what you want it to. You can find more ideas on choosing data.
Before you start searching for research data, make sure you define the data you are looking for in order to focus your search and the sources you use.
1. Identify your topic - From your research question, identify key concepts and be specific.
2. Unit of Analysis – This is what your variables will describe. They may be individuals, flora, fauna, organisations, or products.
3. Geographical area – Is the topic to be restricted to a particular location? For example, the koala population in south east Queensland, or schools in Vietnam.
4. Time frame – Is the topic to be restricted to a particular point in time? For example, recent data from the last 10 years, or from 1991-1995.
5. Frequency of data collection – Do you require a series of observations, made at regular intervals (annually, monthly or daily)?
6. Type of data collection – Cross-sectional – collected by observing many subjects (the unit of analysis) at the same point of time or Longitudinal – repeated observations of the same subject over a period of time
You should also consider:
Keep in mind that the data you are looking for may be a subset of a larger dataset.
Just as researchers routinely provide a bibliographic reference to sources such as journal articles, reports and conference papers, data citation is the practice of providing reference to datasets. Like traditional bibliographic references, Data Citations acknowledge the original author/creator and help other researchers find the dataset. When finding and using data make sure proper acknowledgment is being provided to the originator of the data with proper data citation.
DataCite is an international organisation that aims to establish easier access to research data. DataCite's recommended format for a data citation is:
Creator (PublicationYear): Title. Publisher. Identifier
The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) provides more information on how to cite data, and the benefits of data citation.