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Grey literature

Find literature that is not available in traditional channels of publishing and distribution.

Finding grey literature on the internet

Web search engines can be used as tools to search for literature not published within the main channels of literature indexing or supply. The best value in web searching is to search within known sites or to use a search engine's advanced search features.

Searching Google for grey literature

Google has a number of advanced search features which can make a search much more targeted. The features below are also available in an easy to use format from the Google Advanced Search.

Field searching:

  • to search for a word in the title of your search results use the intitle: command followed by the search term
  • for example - intitle:rhabdomyolysis

File type searching:

  • Google has the option to search for results of a given file type. Many organisational reports and official documents are produced in PDF format so this can be a very good option for grey literature searching
  • for example - rainfall data filetype:pdf 
  • you could also limit to -
    • Word Documents .doc 
    • PowerPoint files .ppt,
    • Excel Files .xls, xlsx

Domain searching:

  • allows you to search specific domains or websites using Google
  • there may be some websites which Google can't search in this manner. Check if you are getting results from desired sites
  • the operator to search a site is site:
  • is an easy way to search for government or educational sites. The default for a government site is to use .gov and this defaults to a US government site, to make it an Australian government site add au, e.g.
  • allows you to search a specific website. For example - carbon footprint will search the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations website for the words carbon footprint

All of these operators can be mixed together as a search. For example - food security filetype:pdf