Before you start your research it is useful to spend a bit of time on analyzing your topic.
This involves:
More about Topic Analysis
To conduct an effective search for information you must first identify keywords that will find the information you need.
More about Planning your search
This video shows how to use Library Search to find information.
Use Library Search to find a book on your topic
You want information about materials used in bridge building. If you enter the term "bridge building" as your search it will be too general to find useful results. You need to add an additional keyword or two to provide focus. You might, for example, want to consider a particular type of material , e.g. bamboo. Your search would now look like this: "bridge construction" AND bamboo
Information for academic assignments must come from appropriate sources.
These include:
Do not use newspaper or popular magazine articles
Avoid websites that lack professional credibility and authority
Ensure sources are up to date
At Uni you are expected to use research articles from academic journals.
Academics and researchers communicate the results of their research in articles which are published in academic journals. You may have heard of "Nature" or "The Lancet". These are high quality scholarly journals where leading researchers publish their findings.
Scholarly articles are often referred to as ‘peer reviewed’ articles because they are reviewed by subject experts for academic rigour and quality prior to getting published. Scholarly and ‘peer reviewed’ articles always contain scholarly references and a bibliography.
To find peer reviewed articles in Library Search, first select Journal Articles from the drop down menu and enter your keywords in the search box. On the right hand side of the results list select Show only > "Peer-reviewed journals". To read an article click the Available Online link.
Go to UQ Library Search, click on the down arrow in the "Library Search" box and select Journal Articles. Copy the keywords below into the empty search field. Do not use punctuation or sentence format.
water management "Northern Australia"
Congratulations! Now you know how to search for relevant peer reviewed articles!
More about Peer reviewed journal articles
Databases are electronic collections of information that are searchable using keywords.
They provide access to discipline specific research papers published in academic journals and specialized content such as reports or conference papers.
Databases are available through the Library. Select "Databases" from the Search dropdown menu in Library Search and enter the name of the database in the search box, eg Scopus
Further information: Read about searching in databases to learn how to use databases to find articles.
Which database should i use to find journal articles on my topic? (YouTube, 1m 47s)
You can use Google for some types of information.
While you shouldn't rely on Google as your primary source of information for assignments, it can be useful for finding research reports that are not available in scholarly publications.
Read Web Searching for information on how to find information from government agencies, non-government and professional organizations. This is called "Grey Literature" Then go to Google and try for yourself.
More about Grey Literature.
Google Scholar - Use Google scholar, in addition to Library search and Databases. Enable View @ UQ Library link to get full text.
Improving your searching techniques
You may not be satisfied with your first attempt at finding information.
Here are some tips to improve your searches:
More about search techniques.
Evaluating information
Critical evaluation is integral to the research process.
Use this to determine whether the information you have found is appropriate and relevant to your topic. It is especially important for information found on the Internet.
You should consider:
More about evaluating information.
Report writing is different from essay writing. It is important to know how to write and format an engineering report correctly. Use these report writing guides to learn how.
Referencing is the term used for the attribution of all sources used in your work. It is important to reference correctly to avoid plagiarism. There are severe penalties for plagiarism.
Author-date referencing involves acknowledging someone else's work or ideas with a citation (author and date) in the text and a full bibliographic reference in a list at the end of the document.
There are many different referencing styles. In ENGG1100 you have been recommended to use APA 7th citation style.
More about Referencing