Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
2016 census data
To search the census data from 2016 choose Quick Stats or Community Profiles and type in the postcode or the name of the suburb you are looking for , eg. Milton or 4064. To look at data from previous years, use the drop down box to change the census year.
Other Australian statistics
in addition to World Bank data, UNdata and OECD iLibrary, the UQ Library has access to other specialist databases that can be use to retrieve socioeconomic, political and demographic data from all over the world.
These are some key publications relating to the commodities of interest to the Australian economy. They are updated regularly and provide either the latest available data or long time-series data for these commodities.
The UN collects statistical information from member states on a broad range of topics, such as demographic and social statistics, national accounts, finance, labour force, wages and prices, agriculture, industry, transport and communications, energy, environment, science and technology, international merchandise trade and tourism.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has a wealth of statistical information on a huge range of topics including employment, energy, development, education and health. You can also browse statistics by country.
United States Census Bureau - Aims to serve as a the leading source of quality data about the United States people and economy.