APAIS-ATSIS indexes and abstracts articles from a wide range of periodicals, newspapers, scholarly journals, conference papers and books in the social sciences and humanities relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
(aka "Australian public affairs and information service - health")
Covers health and medicine in Australia and in particular the legal, social, economic and ethical aspects of health. Clinical articles are not indexed for APAIS-Health. APAIS-Health is a subset of the APAIS database
Up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care, designed to provide information and evidence to support decisions taken in health care and to inform those receiving care.
Source of Australian health statistics including key publications "Australia's health 2022" and "Hospital resources 2017-18 (Australian hospital statistics)
Australian government statistics on ageing and aged care; Australian health and ageing systems facts and figures; general practice; Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme(PBS) statistics.