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Systematic reviews

A brief overview of systematic reviews and resources to support producing one.

Learn about systematic searching

Use this Systematic Reviews guide to learn:

  • about the stages of the systematic review process
  • how to create systematic searches for your project
  • software such as Covidence and EndNote to improve the experience of creating and maintaining systematic reviews.

Systematic searching support from UQ Library

We provide advice and support to UQ students and staff for research projects requiring a systematic search approach. This includes systematic, scoping, rapid, or umbrella reviews, or other projects. Our Librarian Team will contact you within one business day and will assist you via email or arrange a consultation.

We can assist as you

  • Select and search databases and other sources.
  • Develop your systematic search strategies.
  • Export and deduplicate results.
  • Use software such as EndNote and Covidence.
  • Report the search methodology in your publication.

What to include

Please include:

  • your research question or topic
  • your draft search strategy (or a pre-existing search strategy)
  • any key papers you are aware of.

How to create a draft search strategy

Before contacting us, please create a draft search strategy. This allows us to more quickly progress your search as we support you.

Request support

Submit the Request systematic search support (UQ login required) form.

For hospital clients, visit hospital staff membership for library support.


Please consider acknowledging your librarian where they have provided substantial input into your paper.