A multidisciplinary index covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities. It fully covers a large number of the world's leading arts and humanities journals, and it indexes individually selected, relevant items from major science and social science journals.
Via ProQuest - includes journals, magazines and newspapers on a broad range of general reference subjects including arts, business, humanities, social sciences, and the sciences.
The Global Digital Library on Theology and Ecumenism is a multi-lingual database that offers access to more than 500,000 texts, documents and other academic resources.
Religion, State & Society is a leading authoritative multidisciplinary journal focusing on the interplay between religion and political and social theory and practice.
The Journal of Religion is one of the publications by which the Divinity School of The University of Chicago seeks to promote critical, hermeneutical, historical, and constructive inquiry into religion.
Sociology of Religion, the official journal of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, is published quarterly for the purpose of advancing scholarship in the sociological study of religion.