Holds information on the names, relationships and distributions of over 1.8 million species. It contains a single integrated species checklist and taxonomic hierarchy.
The APPF is a national facility, based around automated image analysis of the phenotypic characteristics of extensive germplasm collections and large breeding, mapping and mutant populations.
This tool is building a comprehensive fine-scale grid detailing functional soil attributes and key landscape features across Australia. It is an essential piece of national information infrastructure that will directly impact on Australia’s capacity to deal with complex land-management challenges.
This is a comprehensive land cover reference for Australia. Land cover is the observed biophysical cover on the Earth's surface including trees, shrubs, grasses, soils, exposed rocks and water bodies, as well as anthropogenic elements such as plantations, crops and built environments.
TAIR collects information and maintains a database of genetic and molecular biology data for Arabidopsis thaliana, a widely used model plant. The data in TAIR can be searched, downloaded, and viewed using GBrowse or interactive SeqViewer genome browsers, and analyzed with tools.
The Biota of North America Program (BONAP) maintains relatively complete phytogeographic and related botanical databases for all free-living vascular plants in North America (north of Mexico).
All maps, atlases and digital map data held by the University of Queensland Library can be found via UQL search. Maps are available in several formats including:
Printed sheets or atlases
Digital data either on electronic databases or via the Internet