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Find UQ, Australian and international theses and dissertations

Find UQ theses

UQ Library holds Higher Degree by Research theses and some Honours and Coursework master's theses. 

Print or online UQ theses

  1. Go to the Advanced search of Library Search
  2. Enter your search keywords in the search box
  3. Use the drop-down option to choose UQ School, Centre or Institute and add the name of the School
  4. Under Content type select Theses
  5. Click Search to see the results
  6. Under Refine my results you can sort the results further by relevance or date.


Online UQ theses via UQ eSpace

UQ eSpace is the institutional repository for UQ research publications, including UQ Higher Degree by Research theses

Find online versions of UQ theses:

  1. Go to UQ eSpace
  2. Enter your search keywords or title
  3. At Work type choose Thesis
  4. Scroll down to click Search

A UQ staff or student log in may be required to view the full text of online theses. Some theses may be unavailable due to embargoes.

Print copies of UQ theses

To request access to a print copy of a UQ thesis:

UQ students and staff and Alumni Library members: 

  1. Make sure you have logged in 
  2. Click on the Available at link in the result in Library Search
  3. Click on Place a Request   Illustrative screenshot of the Request Options Place a request link
  4. Complete the form details. 

Illustrative screenshot of the Fyer Library request form

  1. Click on the Place a Request button

UQ Schools' theses

Many theses are kept within collections in University of Queensland schools.

This is often the only way to obtain honours theses and coursework master's theses.

Please contact the appropriate school.

Ordering copies of UQ theses (for non-UQ clients)

If you are NOT a UQ student, UQ staff member or Alumni member of the UQ Library you can: