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Find funding and opportunities using Pivot-RP

Find personalised funding and research opportunities, such as calls for conference papers and possible collaborators, with the Pivot® and Research Professional (Pivot-RP) database.

Edit your profile

Edit your profile to enable Pivot-RP to provide you with more relevant opportunities and enable other users to review your profile for collaboration opportunities.

Keep your profile up-to-date by linking your profile to your ORCID profile and Web of Science Researcher ID. You can also manually add details such as publications, grants and links.

To edit your profile:

  1. Press the Home button (House icon) in the menu.
  2. Select My Profile in the My Profile & Groups box.
  3. Press the Edit Profile button. Your Profile will open in a new browser tab.

Link your ORCID profile

Need an ORCID ID? Visit ORCID ID and researcher identifiers to find out how to register and link your ORCID to UQ eSpace.

On your Profile Overview screen:

  1. Press the Add button in the ORCID section.
  2. Press Get or associate an ORCID ID.
  3. Press Sign In to add your UQ-linked ORCID ID to complete the process.

Link your Web of Science Researcher ID

On your Profile Overview screen:

  1. Press the Add button in the WOS ResearcherID section.
  2. Paste your Researcher ID.
  3. Press Add to finish.

Learn more about:

Add keywords

On the Profile Overview screen:

  1. Press the Add button in the Keywords section
  2. Select categories or subcategories matching your research interest. Selected items appear below
  3. Press Save to finish.
Keywords list in Pivot-RP
Keyword list options


Visit Updating your Profile on how to add other details to your profile.