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Sexual health
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Public Health
Resources to support research for the UQ School of Public Health. Topics include Biostatistics; Communicable disease information; Disasters; Environmental Health, Indigenous Health; Nutrition; Organisations and Public Health References
Key resources
Specialised resources
Academics and HDRs
Communicable disease information
Environmental health
Health policy
Indigenous health
Public health reference resources
Social determinants of health
Sexual health
Research Centres
Government Resources
LGBTI elders
Literature review
Research Centres
States of Mind: Queensland Association for Healthy Communities (2010) Mental Health and Wellbeing and Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs use in Queensland Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) communities - A Community Needs Analysis.
The Kirby Institute
Centre for Social Research in Health
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society
Government Resources
Australian Capital Territory - Sexual Health
Australian Government - Sexual Health
New South Wales
Northern Territory - Sexual Health
Queendland Government: Sexual Health
South Australia - Sexual Health Research
Tasmania - Sexual Health
Victoria - Sexual Health
Western Australia - Sexual Health
LGBTI elders
Actions to Support LGBTI Elders: a Guide for Aged Care Providers
Aged Care Workers and HIV and Ageing
Genders, Bodies and Relationship Passport
LGBTI: Inclusion and Awareness in the aged care
National LGBTI Aged Care Awareness Training Project
Social determinants of health
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