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A guide to the Philosophy subject area. Find links to authoritative information sources.

Finding introductory material

Consult introductory material for a broad overview of your issue or topic, and to identify key concepts, theories and researchers in the field. Introductory material may include :

  • subject or discipline specific dictionaries and encyclopedias 
  • handbooks
  • companions
  • introductions
  • guides
  • histories

Find introductory material by combining a topic keyword with one of the material type discriptors above, e.g. philosophy handbook.


Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy.

              Copyright of Informa UK

REP online covers the philosophical canon, as well as philosophy from all continents and all period. It contains the full content of the original classic 10-volume set plus updated and newly commissioned entries by leading scholars.

Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy

Copyright of The Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University

Each Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry is maintained and kept up to date by an expert or group of experts in the field.

Handbooks: Cambridge Companions to Philosophy

The Library has an extensive collection of titles from the Cambridge Companions to Philosophy series, both online and in print.

You can access these via Cambridge Collections Online, or by searching for "Cambridge Companions to Philosophy" in the UQ Library Search

Selected online titles appear below.


 Use these key databases to find journal articles, videos and music;