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International law
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Topics in international law
International human rights
International humanitarian law
International criminal law
International trade law
Private international law
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Case law
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Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
Encyclopedia of private international law
A concise encyclopedia of the United Nations
Encyclopedia of the United Nations and international agreements
International law : a dictionary
Dictionary of international and comparative law
Parry and Grant encyclopaedic dictionary of international law
Other resources
Recueil des cours de l'academie de droit international
Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law.
Philip C Jessup Library
The Jessup Compendium is designed to enhance a law student's or practitioner's ability to grasp the practical side of the field of international law by presenting arguments in hypothetical Jessup Competition Problems.
Dag Hammarskjod Library Research Guides
Electronic Research Guide for Public International Law - ASIL (PDF)
International Law Research (via GlobaLex)
Legal research subject guides on various aspects of international law.
Peace Palace Library Research Guides
Guidance on particular topics in private and public international law.
Researching International Law (Jessup Guide)
Short guide to researching international law.
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